Thursday, December 29, 2016

Current Applied Patch & Patch level status

Check Current Applied Patch & Patch level status of all modules in oracle

Check Current Applied Patch

set linesize 1000
set pages 9999
col patch_name format a10
col patch_type format a10
col maint_pack_level format a15
set colsep |

  SELECT   patch_name,           patch_type,           maint_pack_level,           creation_date    FROM   applsys.ad_applied_patches ORDER BY   creation_date DESC

Query used to view the patch level status of all modules

SELECT   a.application_name, DECODE (b.status, 'I', 'Installed', 'S', 'Shared', 'N/A') status,           patch_level  FROM   apps.fnd_application_vl a, apps.fnd_product_installations b WHERE   a.application_id = b.application_id;

Application Short Name of a module

Query to find Application Short Name of a module

The following query lists all the applications related information. This query can be used to find the APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME of a module (eg. Payables, Receivables, Order Management, etc.) that are often used for downloading FNDLOAD LDT files, adding responsibility to a user and many more.

You can uncomment the FAT.APPLICATION_NAME condition (very bottom line of the query) to learn about a particular module. In this case, I used "Payables".

SELECT fa.application_id           "Application ID",
       fat.application_name        "Application Name",
       fa.application_short_name   "Application Short Name",
       fa.basepath                 "Basepath"
  FROM fnd_application     fa,
       fnd_application_tl  fat
 WHERE fa.application_id = fat.application_id
   AND fat.language      = USERENV('LANG')
   -- AND fat.application_name = 'Payables'  -- <change it>
 ORDER BY fat.application_name;

Friday, December 2, 2016

ADOP CUTOVER (Reducing Time)

What can I do to reduce the time required for cutover?

It is important to distinguish between the time needed for the whole cutover phase, and the downtime period within the phase.
The actual downtime (during which users cannot log in) is significantly shorter than the whole phase.

To help reduce the overall time taken by cutover, you can do three things:

  • Run the finalize phase explicitly, to obviate the need for cutover to do so.
  • Shut down the concurrent managers before running cutover, to avoid having to wait for concurrent requests to complete. Alternatively, ensure no long-running concurrent jobs are submitted while a patching cycle is in progress.
  • Ensure you are using the maximum number of parallel workers your system will support.


What is downtime mode and when can it be used?

To optimize the process of upgrading to E-Business Suite Release 12.2, the AD Delta 5 Release Update Pack introduced downtime mode, which is used as follows:

  • $ adop phase=apply patches=<patch_number> apply_mode=downtime

Downtime mode does not use an online patching cycle. 
The process of applying a patch in downtime mode completes more quickly than in online mode, but at the cost of increased system downtime. 
When applying Oracle E-Business Suite patches in this mode, adop will first confirm that the application tier services are down, and will then proceed to apply the patch to the run edition of the Oracle E-Business Suite database and file system.

Downtime mode is supported for:
  • All patching (including post-upgrade patching) that forms part of the Release 12.2 upgrade process and is completed before the system is scaled up, the application tier services are started, and users log in to the upgraded system.
  • Single-node development or test environments, where production support and high availability are not required.
Downtime mode allows the 12.2 upgrade process to be completed as quickly as possible.
 Once the upgrade is complete and users are online, all subsequent patching on a production system should use online mode, not downtime mode, unless the patch readme states otherwise. 
Several restrictions apply to the use of downtime mode:
  • You cannot validate successful patch application before cutover to the updated code takes place.
  • There is no capability to abort a failed patch and return to the existing run edition.
  • Release 12.2 patches are not normally tested in downtime mode.
  • Use of downtime mode in a multi-node application tier environment is not tested or supported.

Note: Downtime mode is only supported for production use where explicitly documented, or otherwise directed by Oracle.