Saturday, December 29, 2018


Full Half Quarter Racks differences

Here are some differences between Full Rack, Half Rack and Quarter Racks
(in Oracle Exadata).

RACKCELLSNo. of NodesNo. of CoresNo. of DisksSAS StorageSATA StorageNo. of InfiniBand Switches
Full Rack14 Cells8 Nodes
Half Rack7 Cells4 Nodes
Quarter Rack3 Cells2 Nodes

What is Exadata?

What is Exadata?

Oracle Exadata Database Machine is a combined Compute(DB server) and Storage(Cell) system optimized for running Oracle Database software. 

§  Exadata is pre-configured combination of hardware and software which provides a platform to run the Oracle Database. 
§  It includes server, storage, network switch, PDU, KVM, storage software, Oracle software and Infiniband switches to connect the storage with server in single box. 

§  In short it contains everything in single box, only we have to provide power and network from outside. 

§  KVM is not exists from X3-2 version.

Exadata Servers as per its Hardware  Configuration:

Exadata Machine:

Exadata Database Machine

             Exadata Database Machine Overview

The Exadata Database Machine is a combined Hardware & Software 

  • ·        Fully integrated platform for Oracle Database
  • ·        Based on Exadata Storage Server storage technology
  • ·        High-performance and high-availability for all Oracle Database workloads
  • ·        Balanced hardware configurations  
  • ·        Scale-out architecture
  • ·        Well suited for cloud and database consolidation platform
  • ·        Simple and fast to implement

The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is engineered to deliver dramatically better performance, cost effectiveness, and availability for Oracle databases. Exadata features a modern cloud-based architecture with scale-out high-performance database servers, scale-out intelligent storage servers with state-of-the-art PCI flash, and an ultra-fast InfiniBand internal fabric that connects all servers and storage.  Unique software algorithms in Exadata implement database intelligence in storage, compute, and InfiniBand networking to deliver higher performance and capacity at lower costs than other platforms.  Exadata runs all types of database workloads including Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), Data Warehousing (DW), In-Memory Analytics as well as consolidation of mixed workloads. Simple and fast to implement, the Exadata Database Machine powers and protects your most important databases.  Exadata can be purchased and deployed on premises as the ideal foundation for a private database cloud, or can be acquired using a subscription model and deployed in the Oracle Public Cloud or Cloud at Customer with all infrastructure management performed by Oracle.

Exadata X7-2 Features

  • Up to 912 CPU cores and 28.5TB memory per rack for database processing
  • Up to 360 CPU cores per rack dedicated to SQL processing in storage
  • From 2 to 19 Database Servers per rack
  • From 3 to 18 Storage Servers per rack
  • Up to 920 TB of flash capacity (raw) per rack
  • Up to 2.1 PB of disk capacity (raw) per rack
  • Hybrid Columnar Compression often delivers 10X-15X compression ratios
  • 40 Gb/second (QDR) InfiniBand Network
  • Complete redundancy for high availability

Exadata X7-2 Benefits

  • Pre-configured, pre-tested system optimized for all database applications
  • Uncompressed I/O bandwidth of up to 350 GB/second per full rack from SQL
  • Ability to perform up to 4.8M 8K database read I/O operations, or 4.3M 8K flash write I/O operations per second per full rack
  • Easily add compute or storage servers to meet the needs of any size application
  • Scale by connecting multiple Exadata Database Machine X7-2 racks or Exadata Storage Expansion Racks. Up to 18 racks can be connected by simply adding InfiniBand cables and internal switches. Larger configurations can be built with external InfiniBand switches

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Oracle Created Database Users: Password, Usage and Files References

Oracle Created Database Users: Password, Usage and Files References (Doc ID 160861.1)

This document is no longer actively maintained, for info on specific (new)
 users in recent product editions, 
please check the relevant product/feature documentation.

The following table lists the default usernames and passwords you may encounter 
in your database as a result of installing various additional 
  --> products/components
  --> options   
  --> new features of the version

It provides references to 
   --> which option or product should be installed to have it 
   --> what script created it 
   --> what it is used for   
   --> suggestion to secure the account

Database Administrators who need to export full databases, manage users and 

List Of Users Created at Database Creation
By default, are automatically created during database creation :

  SCOTT  by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql
  OUTLN  by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq


  DBSNMP                    if Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent is installed 
  MGMT_VIEW                 is part of the DB Control Repository
  SYSMAN                    is part of the DB Control Repository and Grid
                            see Note:270516.1 for details
  TRACESVR                  if Enterprise Manager is installed
  AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$         -- if Oracle Servlet Engine (OSE) is installed
  OSE$HTTP$ADMIN             /
  MDSYS                     if Oracle Spatial option is installed 
  MDDATA                    if Oracle Spatial option is installed 
  ORDSYS                    if interMedia Audio option is installed  
  ORDPLUGINS                if interMedia Audio option is installed  
  SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA        if interMedia option is installed  
  CTXSYS                    if Oracle Text option is installed
  WKSYS                     if Oracle Ultra Search option is installed
  WKUSER (9i)/WK_TEST (10g) if Oracle Ultra Search option is installed
  REPADMIN                  if Replication Option is installed 
  LBACSYS                   if Oracle Label Security option is installed 
  DVF                       if Oracle Database Vault option is installed
  DVSYS                     if Oracle Database Vault option is installed
  ODM                       if Oracle Data Mining option is installed
  ODM_MTR                   idem
  DMSYS (10g)               if Oracle Data Mining 10g option is installed
  DMSYS                     in 10g version to replace ODM and ODM_MTR schemas
  OLAPSYS                   if OLAP option is installed
  WMSYS                     if Oracle Workspace Manager script owmctab.plb is
  ANONYMOUS                 if catqm.sql catalog script for SQL XML management
  XDB                       is executed
  EXFSYS                    is the Expression Filter Feature repository
  DIP                       for provisioning event processing
  TSMSYS                    Transparent Session Migration

  Oracle9i Sample Schemas   if you need to test through a complete sample 
                            system of information (see note 207560.1)

If you have already the 9i sample schemas (hr, oe, pm, etc.) and you don't need
them, you can removed them safely and without damage to the database.

a. The SCOTT user is created by default to provide sample user tables. You can 
   alter the password. To create the default tables, run the script 
   $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql. To drop the objects, run 
   $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demodrop.sql connected as SCOTT.

b. The OUTLN (OUTLiNes) user is automatically created during installation of 
   Oracle8i and Oracle9i. OULTN is the schema of Stored Outlines.
   The package OUTLN_PKG is used to manage stored outlines and categories. 
   OUTLN is the owner of tables OL$, OL$HINTS (Oracle8i) as well as OL$NODES 
   (Oracle9i) used to store hints for stored outlines.   
   You can change the password for the OUTLN schema just as for the SYS and SYSTEM

b. The DBSNMP user can be dropped by running the catnsnmp.sql script. If you 
   need to re-create it, run the catsnmp.sql script. Ensure that there are no 
   jobs running or scheduled in Oracle Enterprise Manager before you run the 

   MGMT_VIEW is part of the DB Control Repository, it is created by running
   the script $OH/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager, the password is 
   autogenerated (it does not have a fixed or default value).

   SYSMAN belongs to the same feature ( see Note:270516.1 for details):
   it is the schema of the Grid OMS repository of the 10G Enterprise Manager Grid.

c. The TRACESVR user is created by $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin/otrcsvr.sql during
   the installation of OEM. 
   If you change TRACESVR user's password, you will not be able to do OTrace
   collections. This user is only used with 7.x Databases where stored procedures 
   are used by OTrace to start and stop data collections. The TRACESVR/stored 
   procedure mechanism is no longer used to control OTrace collections starting 
   with Oracle 8.x Databases. Therefore in this case you can change the password 
  (or drop that user). 

   OSE$HTTP$ADMIN) are used internally by Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA Tools
   and created with randomly-generated passwords 'INVALID_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD'.

   -> jisorb.sql creates user AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED.
   -> jisbgn.sql creates user AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ 
   -> jishausr.sql creates user OSE$HTTP$ADMIN 
   These 3 scripts are launched by init_jis.sql script to install the Oracle 
   Servlet Engine (OSE)
   Changing their passwords would prevent the ORB from working.
   This is supposed to change in a future version so that you can change their

   to support Oracle Intermedia. 
   The default password for the ORDSYS and SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA users during 
   automatic installation is 'ORDSYS', and for ORDPLUGINS is 'ORDPLUGINS'.
   The schema MDDATA is used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router 
   data Geocoding is the process of converting tables of address data into 
   standardized address, location, and possibly other data.
f. WKSYS is a privileged Oracle user who owns the Ultra Search data dictionary 
   and internal objects. Ultra Search uses the WKSYS user for storing Ultra 
   Search packages and metadata. WKUSER (9i)/WK_TEST (10g) is a test user.

g. REPADMIN user: it is usual to have a separate user for the replication 
   administrator to protect master groups from being managed by snapshot 
   This user configures the replicated environment and performs administration
   of all replicated schemas / groups.

h. LBACSYS user: the Oracle Label Security administrator username.
i. DVSYS schema stores the database objects needed to process Oracle data for 
   Oracle Database Vault. This schema contains the roles, views, accounts, 
   functions, and other database objects that Oracle Database Vault uses. 

j. The DVF schema contains public functions to retrieve (at run time) the 
   factor values set in the Oracle Database Vault access control configuration.

k. ODM user: who performs data mining operations. 
   In 10g, a user can be created with a chosen name.

l. ODM_MTR user:  the account associated with the data repository for data 
   mining sample programs. 
   In 10g, DMSYS is the schema for the data repository.

m. OLAPSYS user: identity used to create OLAP metadata structures. 

n. WMSYS user: used to store all the metadata information for Oracle Workspace 

o. ANONYMOUS user: allows HTTP access to Oracle XML DB.
p. XDB user: Used for storing Oracle XML DB data and metadata. 

q. EXFSYS is the Expression Filter Feature repository (see Note:258618.1): 
   the user is created with the script exfsys.sql that asks for a password.

r. DIP is created in rdbms/admin/catdip.sql (password is DIP): for provisioning
   event processing

s. TSMSYS is created in rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql for Transparent Session Migration

t. The Oracle9i Sample Schemas provides installed schemas meant to be used for 
   demonstration purposes only:
   -> HR: Human Resources schema
          The Human Resources division tracks information on the company's 
          employees and facilities.
   -> OE: Order Entry schema requires "Oracle Spatial" option.
          The Order Entry division tracks product inventories and sales of the 
          company�s products through various channels.
   -> PM: Product Media schema requires "Oracle JVM" and "Oracle Intermedia" 
          The Product Media division maintains descriptions and detailed 
          information on each product sold by the company.
   -> SH: Sales History schema requires "Oracle OLAP" set up.
          The Sales History division tracks business statistics to facilitate
          business decisions.
   -> QS: Queued Shipping schema
          The Shipping division manages the shipping of products to customer.
          The sample company has decided to test the use of messaging to 
          manage its proposed B2B applications.
   -> QS_ES (Eastern Shipping)
   -> QS_WS (Western Shipping)
   -> QS_OS (Overseas Shipping)
   -> QS_CB (Customer Billing)
   -> QS_CS (Customer Service)
   -> QS_ADM (Administration)
   -> QS_CBADM (Customer Billing Administration)

If any of the user accounts is locked and expired upon installation and needs to
be activated, unlock and assign a new meaningful password to that user account:

Passwords and Referenced Files List
Username    | Description             | Default Password | Created or Referenced         |Comments
            |                         |                  | in $ORACLE_HOME/ files        |
            |                         |                  |                               |
CTXSYS      | Intermedia Text schema  | CTXSYS           |./ctx/admin/dr0csys.sql        |change
            |                         |                  |./bin/ctxsrv -user ctxsys/*    |                                                      
DBSNMP      | Intelligent Agent user  | DBSNMP           |./rdbms/admin/catsnmp.sql      |change
            |                         |                  |./bin/dbsnmp                   |
            |                         |                  |./network/admin/snmp_rw.ora    |
MGMT_VIEW   | DB Control Repository   | autogenerated    |./sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager|
SYSMAN      | DB Control Repository   | asked            |                               |See Note 259379.1
MDSYS       | Spatial Data Option user| MDSYS            |./md/admin/mdinst.sql          |change
            |                         |                  |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql       |
MDDATA      | Spatial Data Option user| MDDATA           |./md/admin/catmd.sql           |lock
WKSYS       | Ultra Search option user| WKSYS  (admin)   |./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|change
WKUSER (9i) | Ultra Search option user| WKUSER (end-user)|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|
WK_TEST (10g)|                        | WK_TEST (same)   |./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|
ODM         | Oracle Data Mining      | ODM              |./dm/admin/dmcrt.sql           |change
ODM_MTR     | Oracle Data Mining      | MTRPW            |./dm/admin/dmcrt.sql           |change
DMSYS (10g) | Oracle Data Mining      | DMSYS            |./dm/admin/odmcrtm.sql         |change
any name    | Oracle Data Mining      | any pasword      |./dm/admin/odmcrt.sql          |
ORDPLUGINS  | InterMedia Audio option | ORDPLUGINS       |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql       |change
ORDSYS      | InterMedia Audio option | ORDSYS           |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql       |change
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA |InterMedia option | SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA | ./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql    |lock  
OUTLN       | Stored Outlines         | OUTLN            |./rdbms/admin/c0703040.sql     |lock
            |                         |                  |./rdbms/admin/c0800050.sql     |
            |                         |                  |./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq          |
PERFSTAT    | STATSPACK Repository    | PERFSTAT         |./rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql     |change
            |                         |                  |(./rdbms/admin/spcusr.sql)     |
RMAN        | RMAN catalog Owner      | RMAN             | manually                              |change
SCOTT       | Demo user               | TIGER            |./rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql     |*drop 
WKPROXY     | Ultraseach user         | change_on_install|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|change
WKSYS       | Ultraseach user         | change_on_install|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0install.sql| ""
WMSYS       | Oracle Workspace Manager| wmsys            |./rdbms/admin/owmctab.plb      |lock
XDB         | SQL XML management      | change_on_install|./rdbms/admin/catqm.sql        |lock
ANONYMOUS   | SQL XML management      | values anonymous |./rdbms/admin/catqm.sql        |lock
TRACESVR    | Oracle Trace user       | trace            |./rdbms/admin/otrcsvr.sql      |change
OAS_PUBLIC  | Web Toolkit/Content     | manager          | See Note:99088.1              |change
WEBSYS      | Web Toolkit/Content     | manager          | See Note:99088.1              |change
REPADMIN    | Replication user        | managed by DBA   |created manually by CREATE USER|
            |                         |                  |./ldap/admin/oidrsrms.sql      |change
            |                         |                  |./ldap/admin/oidrsms.sql       |
AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED| OSE       | random value     |./javavm/install/jisorb.sql    |lock
AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$       | OSE       | random value     |./javavm/install/jisbgn.sql    |lock
OSE$HTTP$ADMIN            | OSE       | random value     |./javavm/install/jishausr.sql  |lock
LBACSYS     | Label Security          | LBACSYS          |./rdbms/admin/catlbacs.sql     |change                                                       
DVSYS       | Database Vault          | DVSYS            |./rdbms/admin/catmacs.sql      |change
DVF         | Database Vault          | DVF              |./rdbms/admin/catmacs.sql      |change
SYS         |  Administrative         | change_on_install|./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq          |change
SYSTEM      |  Administrative         | manager          |./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq          |change
EXFSYS      | Expression Filter Feature repository |asked|./rdbms/admin/exfsys.sql       |locked
DIP         | Provision event processing| DIP            |./rdbms/admin/catdip.sql       |locked
TSMSYS      | Transparent Session Migration| TSMSYS      |./rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql       |locked

* User SCOTT is for test purposes: drop it if of no use.

Related Documents:
Note:227010.1  Script to check for Default Passwords being used for common 
Note:131752.1  Security Check List: Steps to Make Your Database Secure 
                 from Attacks
Note:1071358.6 What is the OUTLN User?
Note:98572.1   Script to create user OUTLN
Note.206870.1  Security risk with catsnmp.sql launched by catproc.sql
Note:120093.1  Initial steps required to a create Snapshot Replication 
                 environment v8.1
Note:117434.1  Initial steps required to a create Multi Master Replication 
                 environment v8.1
Note:99088.1   Manually create the Web Toolkit/Content Services
Note:207560.1  Can the 9i Sample Schemas Be Safely Removed?
Note:217135.1  Usernames which cannot be exported
Note:270516.1  How To Change The SYSMAN Password Used For Grid Control
Note:258618.1  How To Install and Uninstall Expression Filter Feature or 
                 EXFSYS schema
Note:234712.1  Managing Schemas of the 9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2.x) Metadata 
Note:329600.1  How To Completely Remove Intermedia, ORDSYS, ORDPLUGIN And 
                 MDSYS Schemas
Note:263428.1  How to De-install Oracle Workspace Manager
Note:232648.1  Ultra Search Frequently Asked Questions
Note:472937.1  Information On Installed Database Components and Schemas

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What are Concurrent Managers

Concurrent processing is one of the key elements of any E-Business Suite system

  • Concurrent Managers are the controllers of background processing for Oracle Applications.
  • The main function of Concurrent Managers is to regulate, and control process requests based upon a set of rules.
  • It is a technique used to execute noninteractive, data-dependent programs simultaneously in the background.
  • Oracle Applications comes with predefined managers, including the Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM), Standard Manager, Conflict Resolution Manager (CRM) and Transaction Managers (TM).
  • The Internal Concurrent Manager controls all the other Concurrent Managers that are operating system processes that poll for requests.
  • Within Applications, you can also create any number of Concurrent Managers to handle particular types of requests or programs and specialize them for your business requirement
  • The ICM (Internal Concurrent Manager) controls all of the other concurrent managers.
  • The Standard Manager accepts any and all requests. It has no predefined specialization rules and is active all the time. It is not recommended to add specialization rules to the standard manager as it is common to cause problems.
  • The Conflict Resolution Manager resolves conflicts, such as request incompatibilities.

It provides scheduling and queuing functionality for background jobs, and it’s used by most of the application modules. As many things depend on concurrent processing, it’s important to make sure that the configuration is tuned for your requirements and hardware specification.

how does a concurrent manager process work? Here is a diagram I created to explain it:

Reference - 

Concurrent manager reference (

Internal workflow of a concurrent manager process

Internal workflow of a concurrent manager process

Diagram to provide more details about them:
1. This is where the story begins. There is no EXIT state in the diagram as the managers normally process requests in an infinite loop. Obviously, there is a way for a concurrent manager process to receive the command to quit when the managers need to be shut down, but that’s not included here for simplicity.
2. Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) requests the Service Manager (FNDSM) to start up the Concurrent Manager process. For the Standard Manager processes, the binary executable FNDLIBR is started. For the Inventory Manager, it’s  INVLIBR. There are others too.
3. The manager process connects to the database and reads the settings (e.g profile options, sleep seconds, cache size).
4. The process saves information about itself in FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES table (os process id, database name, instance name, DB session identifiers, logfile path and name, and others). It also updates FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES by increasing the value of RUNNING_PROCESSES.
5. The concurrent manager process collects information from the database to build the SQL for querying the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table. The query will be used every time the manager process looks for scheduled concurrent requests.  This is the only time the manager process reads the Specialization Rules (which programs it is allowed to execute) from the database. Keep in mind that if the specialization rules are changed while the managers are running, they are bounced without warning as that is the only way to update the specialization rules cached by the manager process.
6. The SQL (from step 4) is executed to collect information about pending concurrent requests from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table.
7. The results are checked to verify if any requests are pending for execution.
8. If no requests are pending for execution, the manager process sleeps and then goes to step 5. The “Sleep Seconds” parameter of the  “Work Shifts” settings of the concurrent manager determines how long the process sleeps before FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table is queried again. This is the only time the “sleep seconds” setting is used.
9. If there is at least one concurrent request pending for execution, the concurrent manager process caches rowids for the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS rows of pending concurrent requests. The “Cache Size” setting of the concurrent manager specifies how many rowids to cache.
10.    The cached list of rowids is checked to verify if there are any unprocessed concurrent requests (rows in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table) left. If none are left – the processing returns to step 5 and the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table is queried again.
11.    The next unprocessed rowid is picked from the process cache, and the processing starts.
12.    Concurrent manager process executes a SELECT-for-UPDATE statement to lock the STATUS_CODE in FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES for the request it’s about to process. This is the mechanism to ensure that each concurrent request is executed only once and only by one manager process even if many processes are running simultaneously. The SELECT-for-UPDATE statement can complete with “ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified” or “0 rows updated” if another manager process has started processing the request already.
13. If the STATUS_CODE of the request was locked successfully, the concurrent manager executes the concurrent request. The processing moves to step 9 where the cached list of concurrent requests (rowids) is being checked again.

The workflow is not very complex, but it’s important to remember that there are normally multiple concurrent manager processes running  at the same time, and they are competing for the requests to run. This competition introduces another dimension of tuning for  settings, like number of concurrent manager processes, sleep seconds, or cache size. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

New Features in Oracle Apps R12

New Features in Oracle Apps R12

Key Points

·         Oracle Applications Release 12 is the latest release in the chain of E-Business Suite Releases by Oracle.
·         This release came up with the new file system model
·         Autoconfig will not write anything in APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP area in R12.
·         All instance specific configurations, log files are written in INST_TOP area. This home provides the ability to share Applications and technology stack.

R12 new features

·         Applications Server 9i is replaced by 10g (10.1.3.X)
·         Forms & Reports Version 6i (8.0.6) are replaced by Forms & Reports Version 10g i.e. 10.1.2.X
·         mod_jserv is replaced by oc4j
·         Java/ JDK version 1.3.X or 1.4.X will be replaced by JDK 1.5.X

Techstack Components Changes

·         Database (RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME) -
·         FORMS ORACLE_HOME (8.0.6 ORACLE HOME equivalence) - 10.1.2
·         OC4J_ORACLE_HOME (iAS ORACLE_HOME equivalence) - 10.1.3

File system level changes

·         A new top INSTANCE_TOP is introduced in Release 12 for configuration and log files along with the other TOP's in existing in 11i.
·         All instance specific configurations, log files are written in INST_TOP area. This home provides the ability to share Applications and technology stack.


·         Instance home is the top-level directory for an Applications Instance which is known as Instance Home and is denoted the environment variable $INST_TOP. This contains all the config files, log files, SSL certificates etc.

Advantages of new INSTANCE HOME 

·         The additional Instance Home makes the middle tier more easy to manage and organized since the data is kept separate from the config files.
·         The Instance Home also has the ability to share the Applications and Technology stack code across multiple instances.
·         Another advantage of the Instance Home is that the Autoconfig writes only in INST_TOP so APPL_TOP and ORACLE_HOME can also be made read only file system if required.

Concurrent Manager Status using SQL

 'FNDICM','Internal Manager',
 'FNDCRM','Conflict Resolution Manager',
 'AMSDMIN','Marketing Data Mining Manager',
 'C_AQCT_SVC','C AQCART Service',
 'FFTM','FastFormula Transaction Manager',
 'FNDCPOPP','Output Post Processor',
 'FNDSCH','Scheduler/Prereleaser Manager',
 'FNDSM_AQHERP','Service Manager: AQHERP',
 'FTE_TXN_MANAGER','Transportation Manager',
 'IEU_SH_CS','Session History Cleanup',
 'UWQ Worklist Items Release for Crashed session',
 'INVMGR','Inventory Manager','
 INVTMRPM','INV Remote Procedure Manager','OAMCOLMGR',
 'OAM Metrics Collection Manager',
 'PASMGR','PA Streamline Manager',
 'PODAMGR','PO Document Approval Manager',
 'RCVOLTM','Receiving Transaction Manager',
 'STANDARD','Standard Manager',
 'WFALSNRSVC','Workflow Agent Listener Service',
 'WFMLRSVC','Workflow Mailer Service','WFWSSVC',
 'Workflow Document Web Services Service',
 'WMSTAMGR','WMS Task Archiving Manager',
 'XDP_APPL_SVC','SFM Application Monitoring Service',
 'SFM Controller Service',
 'XDP_Q_EVENT_SVC','SFM Event Manager Queue Service',
 'XDP_Q_FA_SVC','SFM Fulfillment Actions Queue Service',
 'XDP_Q_FE_READY_SVC','SFM Fulfillment Element Ready Queue Service',
 'XDP_Q_IN_MSG_SVC','SFM Inbound Messages Queue Service',
 'SFM Order Queue Service',
 'XDP_Q_TIMER_SVC','SFM Timer Queue Service',
 'XDP_Q_WI_SVC','SFM Work Item Queue Service',
 'XDP_SMIT_SVC','SFM SM Interface Test Service') as "Concurrent Manager's Name",
  max_processes as "TARGET Processes",
  running_processes as "ACTUAL Processes" 
  from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues 
 order by max_processes desc

Execution and Sample Output

Concurrent Manager's Name                     |TARGET Processes|ACTUAL Processes
Standard Manager                              |              15|              15
Marketing Data Mining Manager                 |               1|               1
                                              |               1|               1
Inventory Manager                             |               1|               1
PA Streamline Manager                         |               1|               1
Receiving Transaction Manager                 |               1|               1
Output Post Processor                         |               1|               1
Scheduler/Prereleaser Manager                 |               1|               1
Internal Manager                              |               1|               1
UWQ Worklist Items Release for Crashed session|               1|               1
Session History Cleanup                       |               1|               1
Conflict Resolution Manager                   |               1|               1
OAM Metrics Collection Manager                |               1|               1
PO Document Approval Manager                  |               1|               1
SFM Application Monitoring Service            |               0|               0
SFM SM Interface Test Service                 |               0|               0
SFM Timer Queue Service                       |               0|               0
SFM Inbound Messages Queue Service            |               0|               0
SFM Event Manager Queue Service               |               0|               0
SFM Fulfillment Element Ready Queue Service   |               0|               0
SFM Fulfillment Actions Queue Service         |               0|               0
SFM Work Item Queue Service                   |               0|               0
SFM Order Queue Service                       |               0|               0
SFM Controller Service                        |               0|               0
C AQCART Service                              |               0|               0
Transportation Manager                        |               0|               0
Workflow Agent Listener Service               |               0|               0
FastFormula Transaction Manager               |               0|               0
WMS Task Archiving Manager                    |               0|               0
Workflow Document Web Services Service        |               0|               0
Workflow Mailer Service                       |               0|               0

31 rows selected.