Tuesday, January 31, 2017

12.2 Patch Edition Auto config error

12.2 Patch Edition Auto config error.

Oracle 12.2.4 EBS
File system: PATCH

jtfictx.sh              INSTE8_PRF         1
      okladmprf.sh            INSTE8_PRF         1
      txkJavaMailerCfg.sh     INSTE8_PRF         1
      txkWebServicescfg.sh    INSTE8_PRF         1

  AutoConfig could not successfully execute the following scripts:
    Directory: /app/dev/appldev/SID/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/bin/perl -I
 /app/dev/appldev/SID/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/lib/5.10.0 -I
/app/dev/appldev/SID/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0 -I
/app/dev/appldev/SID/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl -I
      txkGenADOPWrapper.pl    INSTE8_APPLY       1

AutoConfig is exiting with status 28

AutoConfig execution completed on Sat Jan 10 12:16:44 2017

Time taken for AutoConfig execution to complete : 2 mins  51 secs

To run Autoconfig from the patch file system

 you must disable trigger ebs_login prior to running autoconfig
Disable the ebs_login trigger for patch file system

 "alter trigger ebs_logon disable" - Ensure you are logged in as the system user
Now run autoconfig with the patch env sourced
Make sure Autoconfig completes ok 

Enable the login trigger
 "alter trigger ebs_logon enable"
. EBSapps.env as Patch option
connect database using system or system/equivalent privileged user 

sqlplus system/<password>  

SQL>alter trigger ebs_logon disable;
Trigger altered.

Then Run Auto config with in patch env

ensure that autconfig completed successfully

SQL> alter trigger ebs_logon enable;

Thursday, January 12, 2017

On a R12 Multi-Node Install -- Why Do All Middle Tiers Run All Services? (Doc ID 415385.1)

On a R12 Multi-Node Install -- Why Do All Middle Tiers Run All Services? (Doc ID 415385.1)


Oracle Applications Manager - Version 12.0.1 to 12.1.3 [Release 12 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


You have created a Multi-Node installation of the E-Business-Suite Release 12 using Rapid Install with the "Edit Services" feature. You changed the services available on each application node, however after the install is complete, you notice that all your application tiers are configured to run all services rather than those specified during rapid install.

Why are all application tier nodes configured to run all services ?

Here are the details to illustrate this situation more clearly :
You have 2 Application Tiers (APPS1 and APPS2). APPS1 is running Admin- and Concurrent Manager- Services and APPS2 is running Forms- and Web Services.
During the Rapid Install, you select the above configuration via the "Edit Services" button as follows :
  • APPS1 : enable "Root Service Group", "Batch Processing Services"
  • APPS2 : enable "Root Service Group", "Web Entry Point Services", "Web Application Services", "Other Service Group"
Configuring Applications Node Services in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Note 406558.1
The logic behind these service classification is as follows :
  1. Root Service Group (Runs services on AS, 10.1.3 OH)
    • Oracle Process Manager (OPM) : adopmnctl.sh
  2. Web Entry Point Services (Runs services on AS, 10.1.3 OH)
    • HTTP Server : adapcctl.sh
  3. Web Application Services (Runs services on AS, 10.1.3 OH)
    • OACORE OC4J : adoacorectl.sh
    • FORMS OC4J : adformsctl.sh
    • OAFM OC4J : adoafmctl.sh 
  4. Batch Processing Services (Concurrent Managers and Apps Listener)
    • APPS TNS Listener : adalnctl.sh
    • Concurrent Managers : adcmctl.sh, adsvcm.sh, ieoicsm.sh, ieosvicsm.sh
    • Fulfillment Server : jtffmctl.sh, jtfsvfm.sh 
  5. Other Service Group: (Runs services for Forms on 10.1.2)
    • Oracle Forms Server : adformsrvctl.sh
    • Oracle MWA Service : mwactlwrpr.sh
After the installation you see that the Autoconfig XML file is generated with the following entries for APPS1 and APPS2 :
  • s_isDB=NO
  • s_isAdmin=YES
  • s_isForms=YES
  • s_isConc=YES
  • s_isWeb=YES
Why are all services enabled on the two application tier nodes instead of the configuration that was selected via the "Edit Services" feature ?


In R12, the concept for Applications Nodes has changed.  When installing R12 with multiple nodes. all the nodes are now set as 'Y' in FND_NODES.
This occurs because in R12, concept of unified APPL_TOP is introduced which means everything is laid down on all servers.
From the APPL_TOP perspective, all the Servers on a Multi-Node Environment will have the same files and can now potentially start any Service if needed.  In some cases, additional configuration will be required before this can be done since there can be profiles, etc associated with each Server.
For R12, the only difference between the Servers, are the Services that have been activated on each Node.
The Services are identified by the variables on the /service_group/ section in the APPS Context File:
  • Root Service Group : s_root_status
  • Web Entry Point Services : s_web_entry_status
  • Web Application Services : s_web_applications_status
  • Batch Processing Services : s_batch_status
  • Other Service Group : s_other_service_group_status
Depending on the value of these variables (enabled or disabled), adstrtal.sh / adstpall.sh will only start/stop the Services associated with them, ignoring the rest.
For example, if a node has only /s_batch_status/ "enabled" and the rest of the services are disabled, when you run adstrtall.sh on that Server and it will only start the Concurrent Managers and the TNS Listener for Apps.

If you experience the problem where all of the service_group variables are enabled on all application tiers make sure you are using the latest version of the Rapid Install StartCD ( shipped with Patch 5766801.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Important variables in eBusiness Suite in R12.2

 Important new variable in R12.2

$FILE_EDITION shows which file edition you are using, run or patch
$RUN_BASE shows absolute path to run file system
$PATCH_BASE shows absolute path to patch file system
$NE_BASE shows absolute path to non-edition file system
$APPL_TOP_NE non-editioned appl_top path. Equivalent to $NE_BASE/EBSapps/appl
$LOG_HOME Application Instance Specific Log Directory
$ADOP_LOG_HOME Online patching Specific Log Directory. Equivalent to $NE_BASE/EBSapps/log/adop
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME FMW Web Tier Home Directory
$CONTEXT_FILE Source for information populating template files (autoconfig)
$EBS_DOMAIN_HOME WLS Deployment of Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Domain (instance specific
$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME Shell scripts to control processes associated to the Applications Instance
$EBS_ORACLE_HOME Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 FMW Deployment directory
$RW 10.1.2 reports directory
$APPS_VERSION to get the EBS version

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Oracle ASM Installation

Oracle ASM Installation
Very nice explanation how to install