System defined limits
for shared memory calculations and configurations.
Example for x86_64 Server with 32GB RAM: (1/2 of physical RAM)
shmmax=34359738368 (=16*1024*1024*1024),
shmall=8388608 (=16*1024*1024*1024 / 4096) – 4096 is page size
What is the maximum value of SHMMAX for a 32-bit (x86) Linux system?
What is the maximum value of SHMMAX for a 32-bit (x86) Linux system?
Oracle Global Customer Support officially recommends a " maximum" for SHMMAX of just less than 4Gb, 4294967295.
Oracle Global Customer Support officially recommends a " maximum" for SHMMAX of just less than 4Gb, 4294967295.
maximum size of a shared memory segment is limited by the size of the available
user address space. On 32-bit systems, this is a theoretical 4GB. The maximum
possible value for SHMMAX is just less than 4Gb, or 4294967295. Setting SHMMAX
to 4GB exactly will give you 0 bytes as max, as this value is interpreted as a
32-bit number and it wraps around.
What is the maximum value of SHMMAX for a 64-bit (x86-64) Linux system?
What is the maximum value of SHMMAX for a 64-bit (x86-64) Linux system?
Oracle Global Customer Support officially recommends a " maximum" for SHMMAX of "1/2 of physical RAM".
Oracle Global Customer Support officially recommends a " maximum" for SHMMAX of "1/2 of physical RAM".
check /etc/sysctl.conf and edit /etc/sysctl.conf
ensure the following lines are present:
kernel.shmall = 18350080
kernel.shmmax = 75161927680
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
DBCA Error: ORA-27104:
system-defined limits for shared memory was
Fix: Increase kernel.shmmax & kernel.shmall based on your
Server RAM.
Maximum SHMMAX values for Linux
x86 and x86-64
x86 and x86-64
Example for x86_64 Server with 32GB RAM: (1/2 of physical RAM)
shmmax=34359738368 (=16*1024*1024*1024),
shmall=8388608 (=16*1024*1024*1024 / 4096) – 4096 is page size
restart or /sbin/sysctl.conf -p
Oracle Metalink Note [ID 567506.1]