Friday, November 10, 2017


Issue with APPLSYS and APPS password

Scenario 1:

As you know that apps and applsys password should be in sync and should be changed using FNDCPASS.
There can be situation where a novice user changes applsys password from the backend database. 
In that case when you try to start the services it will show following error

APP-FND-01496: Cannot access application ORACLE password
Cause: Application Object Library was unable access your ORACLE password.

You can even reproduce this issue (ofcourse after taking the backup of FND_USER and FND_ORACLE_USERID table) using the following steps

1. Use the ALTER USER command to change the APPLSYS password
2. Try to run the script to start Apps services.
3. You will get an error “Cannot complete applications logon. You may have entered an invalid applications password, or there may have been a database connect error.”
4. Then try FNDCPASS to fix password and you will get the error the APP-FND-01496 error.

If this situation happens then you cannot access the application. Infact the services even wont start.

Resolution to such problem is to rollback the 2 tables FND_USER and FND_ORACLE_USERID. 
Once you rollback the tables, apps and applsys passwords will be in sync and password will be older one. 

You can then run FNDCPASS and change the password.

Scenario 2:

Some times when you run FNDCPASS, you get following error

APP-FND-01502: Cannot encrypt application ORACLE password
Cause: Application Object Library was unable encrypt your ORACLE password.
Action: Contact your support representative. (ORACLEUSER=APPS_SERV)

The error comes because the table fnd_oracle_userid contain rows for schemas that does not exist. Those rows must be deleted from the table.
Use the following query to get the details of the schema that doest not exists

select * from fnd_oracle_userid
where oracle_username not in
(select username from all_users);

The rows returned by this query can be deleted from FND_ORACLE_USERID table. This will resolve this issue.

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