How to get SQL_ID without execution?
How to find the SQL_ID of a SQL statement?
You can find the SQL_ID in AWR or ASH reports or query V$ views like V$SQL etc. One interesting recent enhancement of the Oracle tool SQL*Plus with Oracle Database 18c (and later of course) even provides a very simple solution. With "SET FEEDBACK ON SQL_ID" the SQL_ID can be printed automatically after the statement execution. The following code gives an example:
SQL> set feedback on SQL_ID
SQL> select sysdate from dual;
10-FEB-23 06:21:07
1 row selected.
SQL_ID: 7h35uxf5uhmm1
The SQL_ID is assigned to the predefined SQL*Plus variable _SQL_ID. This variable can be used like any other predefined variable, as you can see in the following example.
SQL> SELECT sql_text FROM v$sql WHERE sql_id = '&_sql_id';
old 1: SELECT sql_text FROM v$sql WHERE sql_id = '&_sql_id'
new 1: SELECT sql_text FROM v$sql WHERE sql_id = '7h35uxf5uhmm1'
select sysdate from dual
However what is the answer to the initial question: Is there a way to get the SQL_ID of a statement WITHOUT executing the statement first? Also for this there is a solution. Try out the PL/SQL Package DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR .
What is DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR used for? Let me give some brief background information about it: Various client-side applications, designed to work with non-Oracle Databases, cannot be used with Oracle Database without significant alterations because different syntaxes are used to express SQL queries and statements. Starting with Oracle Database 12c, there is a mechanism called SQL translation framework which translates the SQL statements of a client program from a foreign (non-Oracle) SQL dialect into the SQL dialect used by the Oracle Database SQL compiler.
The package DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR provides the interface to create, configure and use so called SQL translation profiles.
Function called SQL_ID, which calculates the SQL_ID of an SQL statement in an SQL translation profile. It can be used without a translation profile and calculates the corresponding SQL_ID for an SQL statement with a single call.
And here is an example:
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> r
p_id varchar2(1000);
p_id:=dbms_sql_translator.sql_id('select sysdate from dual');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
example to create a new command getid with the help of ALIAS.
SQL> alias getid=declare
2 p_id varchar2(1000);
3 argu varchar2(1000);
4 begin
5 p_id:=dbms_sql_translator.sql_id(:argu);
6 dbms_output.put_line(p_id);
7 end;
8* /
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> getid 'select sysdate from dual'
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