Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Daily DBA Scripts for MariaDB

 MariaDB: Essential DBA Practices for Daily Operations


MariaDB, a popular open-source relational database, offers high performance, flexibility, and scalability. However, managing a MariaDB database on a day-to-day basis requires constant vigilance and optimization. As a Database Administrator (DBA), having a toolkit of scripts and monitoring techniques is crucial to ensure that your database runs smoothly and efficiently.

In this post, we'll explore essential MariaDB scripts, DBA best practices, and performance tips that can help you maintain and optimize your database operations.

Daily DBA Scripts for MariaDB

A DBA’s daily tasks include health checks, performance monitoring, backup routines, and identifying optimization opportunities. Below are some of the fundamental scripts to make your daily operations smooth and manageable.

1. Checking Database Health and Status

To start your day as a DBA, you should quickly check the health and status of your MariaDB server. This provides a snapshot of uptime, connections, and overall performance.


The above script provides details like server version, uptime, and the maximum number of connections, ensuring everything is functioning properly.

2. Monitoring Connections and Load

Active connections and thread status directly impact the performance and availability of your database. Monitoring these metrics helps to identify potential overloading issues.

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads%'; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Connections'; SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Aborted_connects';

By keeping an eye on threads and connections, you can anticipate potential bottlenecks and avoid system overloads.

3. Identifying and Optimizing Slow Queries

One of the most significant tasks for a DBA is identifying slow queries that could degrade the performance of your database.

Enable and Monitor the Slow Query Log:

SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = 'ON'; SET GLOBAL long_query_time = 1; -- Log queries taking longer than 1 second SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Slow_queries';

Slow queries are a major factor in database performance issues. Regularly reviewing and optimizing these queries can greatly improve overall efficiency.

4. Monitoring Database and Table Sizes

Understanding the size and growth rate of your tables and databases helps manage storage and allows for capacity planning.

SELECT table_schema AS 'Database', ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS 'Size (MB)' FROM information_schema.tables GROUP BY table_schema ORDER BY SUM(data_length + index_length) DESC;

This script helps identify the largest databases and tables, helping you manage disk space effectively.

5. Checking Index Usage and Efficiency

Indexes are vital for efficient data retrieval. Monitoring and analyzing index usage ensure your queries are running as fast as possible.

SHOW INDEX FROM your_table_name;

Regularly reviewing indexes allows you to ensure that they are being used correctly and that the correct columns are indexed for your query patterns.

6. Viewing Running Queries and Processes

Keeping an eye on currently running queries helps identify and troubleshoot long-running processes.


If you find a problematic query, you can terminate it using its process ID:

KILL query_id;

This is particularly useful when a query is blocking resources or taking too long to execute.

7. Monitoring and Managing Replication

If your environment uses replication, it is crucial to check its status to ensure that data is being replicated correctly and timely.


Monitoring replication helps maintain data consistency and availability in a distributed setup.

8. Regular Backups for Data Protection

Backing up databases is one of the most critical tasks for a DBA. An automated daily backup script ensures that your data is safe.

#!/bin/bash USER="root" PASSWORD="your_password" BACKUP_DIR="/backup/mariadb" DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR" mysqldump -u "$USER" -p"$PASSWORD" --all-databases > "$BACKUP_DIR/all_databases_$DATE.sql"

Make sure to schedule this script using cron jobs or any other scheduling tool to have daily backups ready for disaster recovery.

9. Reviewing User Privileges

Ensuring proper user access helps maintain security and prevents unauthorized access to critical data.

SELECT user, host, db, table_name, column_name, privilege_type FROM information_schema.column_privileges;

Following the principle of least privilege ensures that users only have the access necessary for their roles.

Performance Tips for Monitoring and Optimization

To maintain a high-performance MariaDB environment, active monitoring and optimization are required. Here are some tips to help improve database performance:

1. Use EXPLAIN for Query Optimization

Before executing a query, use EXPLAIN to understand how MariaDB processes it. This allows you to make necessary optimizations.

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE column = 'value';

If you see ALL in the type column, it indicates a full table scan, which is a performance red flag. Use indexing and query refactoring to improve performance.

2. Set Up Alerts for Critical Performance Metrics

Use monitoring tools like Nagios, Zabbix, or built-in MariaDB monitoring tools to set up alerts for:

  • High CPU load
  • Memory usage spikes
  • Disk I/O saturation
  • Slow queries exceeding a threshold

Proactive alerting ensures you can address issues before they affect users.

3. Enable Query Caching (If Applicable)

MariaDB offers query caching to speed up frequently executed, unchanged queries.

SET GLOBAL query_cache_size = 16M; -- Enable with size SET GLOBAL query_cache_type = 'ON';

Monitor cache efficiency:


Note: Query cache is effective only when queries and data don’t change frequently.

4. Monitor and Rotate Logs

Regularly monitor log files to track query performance, errors, and general database activity.

cat /var/log/mysql/error.log

Rotate logs using logrotate to prevent disk space issues:


5. Regularly Optimize Tables

Defragmenting tables by running OPTIMIZE TABLE can help improve performance and reclaim unused space.

OPTIMIZE TABLE your_table_name;

Regularly running OPTIMIZE TABLE on frequently updated tables can enhance performance.

6. Leverage Performance Schema for Advanced Monitoring

The Performance Schema provides in-depth metrics about resource usage, memory, and locking.

SET GLOBAL performance_schema = 'ON'; SELECT * FROM performance_schema.events_statements_current;

By leveraging this schema, you can track down performance bottlenecks at a more granular level.


As a MariaDB DBA, the health, performance, and security of your database are in your hands. The scripts and best practices provided in this guide will help you proactively manage your database, maintain optimal performance, and prepare for any issues that may arise. Remember, constant monitoring and optimization are key to a well-managed MariaDB environment.

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